Offering Cost Effective Solutions to Heating, Ventilating and Make-up Air Problems
Make-up Air and Air Handling Units
- Direct-fired make-up air with options including packaged integral cooling, variable air volume, enhanced filtration, and other specialties
- Indirect-fired standard and high efficiency units with limitless customizable options
- Hydronic & Electric units
Custom Built Units
- A wide variety of custom built units for various types of commercial and industrial applications
- Hot water, steam, electric, glycol or cooling coils
- Heat recovery available
- Flexible arrangements and orientations
Commercial Kitchen/Industrial Process Upgrades
Every size and type of make-up air and air handling unit for commercial kitchen and industrial process applications
Wide selection of exhaust fans
Stainless steel kitchen hoods with demand control ventilation
Specialty Parts
We offer a comprehensive range of HVAC parts for all your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning needs. Contact us to find the perfect parts to keep your HVAC systems running efficiently.
(780) 461-7860
#74, 4003 98 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T6E 6M8
Mon – Fri: 8:00am – 4:30pm
Sat – Sun: Closed